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Reformation of Mooi Indie, Mixed media installation (fabric, video, sound), Goldsmiths University Fine Art Extension Degree Final Show, 2022

Mooi Indie or the Beautiful Indies is a modern painting movement during the Dutch colony in the early 20th century Indonesia where the Dutch who travelled and local Indonesian artists painted the beauty of sceneries and women. The touristic exoticism of women and natural sites is tied in with the commerce. The concept of Mooi Indie, reformed, is turned upside down from the beautiful paintings of Indonesia where the artist sees beauty in discarded materials instead. Living through feelings of isolation and oppression that is felt as a Chinese-Indonesian woman living in two different places with different geopolitical contexts as, West Tangerang and South-East London, the artist reflects on unresolved memories of aesthetics, identity, and society. 


Access to Walking Pass Us Reminiscing Childhood (A Spectacle of Rubber Band Conversations)

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